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Children's Books

Night Sky with Stars
There's A Robot In My Closet Video Promo

Meet Malika and Rovie!

"There's a Robot in my Closet" features Malika, a young girl with a curious mind, and her robot Rovie! 

Theres A Robot In My Closet

There’s a Robot in My Closet is the story of Malika, a young Black girl who loves to play with the robot in her bedroom. Malika has so much fun learning about STEM with Rovie she decides to share her robot with the rest of her family. Unfortunately, Rovie is shy and freezes when around others. When everyone is busy and doesn’t believe Rovie is real, Malika worries her family doesn’t want her and Rovie around. Rovie does a dance and twinkles lights to cheer Malika up, and she writes code so Rovie can draw, play music, and follow colors. Her efforts pay off and Malika is excited. When her family comes to see her and Rovie, she’s determined to share her love for STEM. 

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Meet Malachi and the Curiosity!


There's a Robot at my Afterschool is the story of a 10 year old boy named Malachi! Every day he plays with the robot, Curiosity, at his afterschool program. He wants the other kids to play with it and share his excitement. With some clever coding and creativity, Malachi improves Curiosity. He has the best day ever and his friends love the cool new friend! Now Malachi wants a robot of his own!

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Meet Maria & Opportunity! 


Once upon a time there a girl named Maria; she was nine years old. Every day she played with her robot, Opportunity, at her summer camp. Every day she learned more and more about the robot: the wheels, the sensors and how to write programs for it. Maria became excited to learn more and wanted to know how the robot worked. She loved to learn all the little things about the inside of the robot. At the end of camp, Maria asked for a robot of her own so she could share her newfound love for STEM with her family and friends. 


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Meet Miguel & Perseverance! 

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There’s a Robot in my Classroom is the story of a 12-year-old boy named Miguel! Every day he played with the robot in his classroom, then one day his teacher said that all the students would build robots of their own! Miguel had always been intrigued about those little guys 
and this was his chance to have one of his own!

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Meet Malia & Sojourner! 


There’s a Robot in my Troop is the story of Malia! She’s a member of an all girl troop and a robotics competition team. She shares all that her troop learns by designing, building and programming their robot. Together, the girls find out that having fun is better than winning as they work on troubleshooting, presenting their work and doing a design project to help society.


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Meet Rashida & Orbit! 


What’s the matter with Orbit? is the story of Rashida, a young Black girl, and her robot, Orbit. She played with Orbit every day. One morning she noticed that Orbit was not acting the same. Its songs dragged, its lights were dimmer, and its color selection code made mistakes. Rashida was determined to figure out, What’s the Matter with Orbit?


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